Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Beaurocracy slays common sense, news at 11

Well, today another nail was placed in the coffin of common sense.

Our illustrious highway department and I just had an absurd argument that went something like this:

HD:  You can't use class F concrete on hand formed curb. Class F is for slip forming, and the book requires class A for non slip formed curb.

Me:  But class F meets all of the specs for class A. In fact it has more cement in it, so it's patently better. Plus it's more expensive. I just don't want to waste 2 cubic yards of concrete I've already bought.

HD:  But the book says you use class A.

Me:  The curb right next to it is made of class F. The only difference is it was shaped by a machine instead of by hand forms.

HD: But the book says class A.

Me: I need a drink and a vaccination in case your willful stupidity is contagious.

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